Shades of White Color

Shades of White Color

Shades of White

A shade of white is any color that veers just a little bit from pure white. Shades of white can also contain variations with varied hues and saturations, such as cream, eggshell, and vanilla, even though a “shade” is usually defined as a pure color combined with black (resulting in reduced brightness).

List of White Shades





Alabaster #EDEADE rgb (237, 234, 222)
Beige          #F5F5DC rgb (245, 245, 220)
Bone White #F9F6EE rgb (249, 246, 238)
Cornsilk #FFF8DC rgb (255, 248, 220)
Cream #FFFDD0 rgb (255, 253, 208)
Eggshell #F0EAD6 rgb (240, 234, 214)
Ivory   #FFFFF0 rgb (255, 255, 240)
Linen #E9DCC9 rgb (233, 220, 201)
Navajo White #FFDEAD rgb (255, 222, 173)
Off White #FAF9F6 rgb (250, 249, 246)
Parchment #FCF5E5 rgb (252, 245, 229)
Peach #FFE5B4 rgb (255, 229, 180)
Pearl #E2DFD2 rgb (226, 223, 210)
Seashell #FFF5EE rgb (255, 245, 238)
Vanilla #F3E5AB rgb (243, 229, 171)
White #FFFFFF rgb (255, 255, 255)


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